Things you must never say to a Customer by Kamalesh Kumar Siddhantam

If research is to be believed, 100% of the times, the IT support representatives have to deal with unhappy and angry customers. Even a single inappropriate word can elevate the anger of the customer manifolds. But that doesn’t at all mean that the customer service representatives must start playing humor with the customers.

Kamalesh Kumar Siddhantam believes that when you are dealing with a customer, you have to be calm and composed because they are angry for a reason and your job is to help them and not to enhance the level of their anger with some inappropriate words. In such a situation, even a single inappropriate word might land you in trouble.

So here we are with the things that you must never say to a customer on a support call:

“You are wrong.”

No customer will like to hear that for sure. In fact, it is the worst thing that customer support would ever say to a customer. It’s like questioning their personality and capability. Moreover, you won’t ever be able to make up the things even after you have tried to resolve their issues.

“I can’t help you with this.”

This is not something to hear which a customer would have called you. The only reason customers have for calling customer support is to find a satisfactory solution to an issue they have been facing. By saying that you won’t be able to help them defeats the whole of the purpose. It’s like making the customer feel that he has wasted several minutes on something that didn’t even help him.

“Listen to me.”

When a customer is angry and unsatisfied with your company policies, he would rarely listen. Saying this to your customer will trigger his anger and you won’t even be able to convince him later. Let your customer vent out their anger and then, keep your point in front of them.

Kamalesh Siddhantam is an experienced professional in this field. He knows how to deal with his customers and that is what he teaches his team too.


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